Es war, neben Brutal Truth anno domini, das kürzeste Konzert: Nach dem Soundcheck haben No Info ihre Instrumente nur noch weggeräumt, der im Dachstock angekündigte Auftritt musste wegen der Ausschreitungen anlässlich des Antifaschistischen Abendspaziergangs 2006 am 1. April, zu dessen Abschluss er gedacht war, abgesagt werden. Die Vertretung der gelangweilten Mittelstandsjugend hatte es wieder einmal geschafft, mit Gewalt-Exzessen die Anliegen einer Mehrheit zu desavouieren. Wir sagten damals, wir werden das Konzert nachholen. Et voilà! Und nun löst sich die Band, so das Info von No Info, just vor dem Konzert auf. What a shame !
Emerging on the South African scene five years ago, HALFPRICE immediately stuck out as being one of the few bands that could write good songs and sustain an impressive stage performance without ever compromising passion. They became rapidly well known for their crazy antics and outrageous attitude towards life both on and off the stage. Blending ROCK n ROLL, SKA and PUNK ROCK styles to create their own psychoholic South African vibe, HALFPRICE’s music, like the members’ diversity, is a true reflection of the new age rock n roll coming out of a new South Africa.
HALFPRICE have taken all that they learnt from their debut full length record TAKING LIFE SERIOUSLY (2004), the experiences shared on the road from touring on European soil (2005) and combined it with a diet of canned food, the motion of the ocean and old school PUNK ROCK n ROLL to produce BANNED a 14 track album with some of the phattest sounds ever to come out of Africa. The record comprises of a whole new level of maturity in terms of songwriting technique from ROCK n ROLL groove tunes to SKA PUNK party music yet the band still manages to maintain the same satire, and the characteristic oddball element of social commentary that one has come to expect from HALFPRICE. Check out and for launch dates around South Africa in the month of October. The album is in stores from 15 September.